Cruising to Toba Inlet

If you have cruised the southern end of Desolation Sound and want a taste of complete isolation, you might want to include Toba Inlet in your plans. The best time of year to experience Toba is early in the spring when all the waterfalls are running hard into this lovely fjord. We suggest taking advantage of early boarding to familiarize yourself with your yacht, become completely comfortable with the vessel and have time to ask questions of the knowledgeable DSYC staff and be well rested for your first day of travel.

Day 1

Today your destination is Squirrel Cove. After crossing the Comox Bar, head across the Salish Sea to Vivian Islet and Mystery Reef. Passing by Lund, you will cruise up through Thulin Passage and the Copeland Islands. You are now on a straight line that takes you into the charming and peaceful anchorage of Squirrel Cove.

Make time to explore the tidal stream and lake at the head of the inlet.

Day 2

Say goodbye to Squirrel Cove and head southeast passing through the cut between West Redonda Island and the Martin Islands entering Waddington Channel. Head north and choose whether you would like to anchor tonight at Walsh Cove Marine Park where you will find ancient pictographs etched into the rock faces OR tie up to the strong and comfortable docks at Toba Wilderness Resort, where there is a great hike up to a waterfall and the resort offers hot showers as well.

Day 3

Your cruise today,  takes you into Toba Inlet. This fjord extends 32 km into the glacier topped Coast Mountain Range that reaches as high as 2500 meters. The waters of Toba Inlet are very deep right up to the rock walls allowing you to nose your boat right up to the shore. Spectacular waterfalls crash down into the sea and are best seen during spring thaw when plenty of water is cascading down the mountainsides.

Brem Bay is the only anchorage in the fjiord and in recent years, has been closed to cruisers due to a large logging activity. Caution anchoring here as there is a lot of debris on the ocean floor that could snarl ground tackle.

Have your camera ready as you cruise. There are a variety of waterfalls up the inlet and you may catch sight of a black bear scavenging the shoreline for seafood treats. With NO anchorages at the head of the inlet, you must return down to either Walsh Cove or Toba Wilderness Resort for your overnight.

Day 4

You’ll begin your journey back toward Comox today with a choice of cruises. Back down Waddington Channel or choose to go via Homfray Channel. Homfray Channel has the deepest waters in coastal North America recording soundings of over 750 metres deep.

You’ll have your choice of anchorages tonight in spectacular Desolation Sound Marine Park. Laura Cove, Melanie Cove, Prideaux Haven. All provide comfortable, well-protected anchorages.

Day 5

Today is a great day to meander throughout the park or a short cruise to Tenedos Bay. You have a choice of a short or long day tomorrow. Stay another night in Desolation Sound or cruise to Lund and overnight there.

Note: The marina at Lund is often crowded. It’s best to try to arrive early otherwise tying up to the outer breakwater may be the only option.

Day 6

Cruising back down to Powell River you’ll pass the derelict WW 2 liberty ships that form a protected harbour for barge storage at the now defunct paper mill. Then cruise over the top end of Texada Island and head across the Salish Sea to the Comox Bar.

Once you cross the Bar, turn to port into the protected anchorage of Henry Bay. You’ll enjoy one of the most dramatic sunsets of your journey.

Day 7

It’s a short trip over to Comox to fuel up . Call DSYC base and advise them of your time of arrival at the fuel dock and a skipper will meet you and take you back to your slip. You must be off the vessel by 0900hrs. Make sure all your personal gear is accounted for.

Have a safe trip home and we hope to see you next year.